easy counterfeits

Recently, a good friend of mine was discussing somethings about spiritual journeys and life.
And he again reminded me of how our lives as Christians can be so counterfeited.
As he reflected about life, he was mentioning how he wanted to not just be a person that does the right things or the right Christian things, but that he truly wanted to abide in his heart with Christ.

As I thought on that, I was reminded of how it is so easy to think we are abiding in Christ when we are only doing the Christian acceptable thing…and even with our divided motives. God made me think on how much easier it is to just do the right thing. Really, the Christian life is not doing the right thing…but being rightly related and connected to Jesus. It is very tempting to be a good spiritually moral person. Oh, but to be a spiritually attuned and abiding follower of Jesus is another thing.
To not be about trying to be a good person or Christina is actually more challenging and more complexed. (Sometimes, I wished it were not so…but I guess it would make sense in that God is simple and yet complexed being who He is as God.) But to be trusting God for to live this life with us is easy and yet challenging all at once.

I have seen in my own life, how I often try to do the good spiritual Christian or even spiritual leader thing….and have missed on God and have had Him missed out on my heart.
Our hearts have missed each other as I would try harder with being good. The good grace of God is that he never allowed me to continue without causing me to missed out on his heart. Or he never let me be satisfied enough with the counterfeit of being a spiritually moral person…but somehow in his divine kindness, He saw it fit to send friends and mentors to guide me towards a deeper part of my heart. He gave me this thirst for more than the fake deal….a thirst for his loving heart.

I am so grateful for friends who would not let me just stay there and be happy or content until my heart was stirred to long for more….For that, I am truly blessed.

I loved seeing a small glimpse of my friend’s heart….he and his wife are truly co-journers with God with me. How fortunate I am!